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어른들을 위한 동화로 배우는 영어 회화ㅣ쉽게 다시 쓴 이솝우화로 영어를 배우세요ㅣ영어동화ㅣ영어듣기 훈련

by 딴딴영어 2023. 8. 14.

쉽게 풀어 쓴 이솝우화


The Lion and the Mouse

A big Lion was sleeping in the forest, with his head on his paws.

Suddenly, a small Mouse ran across his  nose and woke him up.

The Lion was angry and wanted to kill the Mouse.

But the Mouse begged for mercy and promised to help the Lion someday.

The Lion laughed at the idea of a small Mouse helping  him, but he let the Mouse go.

Later, the Lion got caught in a hunter's trap while hunting.  

He roared loudly but couldn't get free.  

The Mouse heard his roar and found him trapped.

The Mouse helped the Lion by gnawing through a rope that was holding him.  

The Lion was free!

The Mouse reminded the Lion of his promise to help him someday,  

and the Lion realized that even a small creature can do big things.  

It's always good to be kind to others.


큰 사자 한 마리가 발에 머리를 얹고 숲 속에서 자고 있었습니다.
갑자기, 작은 생쥐 한 마리가 그의 코를 가로질러 달려 그를 깨웠습니다.
사자는 화가 나서 생쥐를 죽이려 했어요.
하지만 생쥐는 자비를 빌었어요. 그리고 언젠가 사자를 돕겠다고 약속했어요.
사자는 작은 생쥐가 자기를 돕는다는 생각에 웃었어요. 하지만 그는 생쥐를 풀어줬어요.
나중에, 사자는 사냥을 하다가 사냥꾼의 덫에 걸렸습니다.
사자는 크게 으르렁댔지만 빠져나올 수 없었어요.
생쥐는 사자 울음소리를 듣고 사자가 덫에 걸린 걸 알았어요.
생쥐는 사자를 묶은 밧줄을 갉아 끊어 사자를 도와줬어요
사자가 풀려났어요!
생쥐는 사자에게 언젠가 돕겠다는 약속을 상기시켰어요.
그리고 사자는 깨달았어요. 작은 동물도 큰일을 할 수 있다는 걸요.
다른 사람들에게 친절하게 대하는 것은 항상 좋은 일이에요.

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